It's pretty surreal packing your hospital bag full of cute newborn babygrows, hats and nappies when baby hasn't made an appearance yet.
First time round (two years ago) I didn't really have a clue what to pack. I trawled baby books and baby websites looking for inspiration. I made endless lists and still ended up with more than one neatly packed bag. When arriving at the hospital, I looked like I was moving in.
This time I've put together my own list and made some changes - more newborn nappies (a handful won't cut it). My own snacks and drinks (hospital food is far from great).
Antibacterial wipes will definitely be in my bag (sharing showers and bathrooms - a 5* hotel this is not). My camera and iPhone will be a must for those very special early pictures and videos. I'll also loading up my iPad with TV series and movies (last time I was in for four nights and you had to pay to watch the tiny TV by my bed).
Peppermint Tea and oil is also on my list. The nurse suggested it last time after I had a c-section and it really helped.