In March this year I had a baby girl and as proud parents, my husband and I have been watching her grow and develop week by week. I try to remember to jot down how she is changing and what she is experiencing for the first time, from her first taste of solid food to running her tiny fingers through the leaves of trees. My parents kept a similar record of my time first moments but in the form of a baby book. I recently dug it out and paid much more attention to it than I had previously, as now the penny has dropped and I realise how even a new noise is a major milestone!
Tucked inside a pouch in my baby book, along with my hospital bracelet and a Cookie Monster first birthday invitation, was this photo (below) from 1980. Written on the back was my age at the time (6 months). It got me thinking that it would be fun to try to recreate the same picture with my daughter as she has just turned the same age.
The first challenge was finding the outfit. Thirty odd years have passed since then, so it was a case of trawling through eBay and Etsy. Eventually I found a similar broderie anglaise bonnet and a turquoise Disney t-shirt which I turned around and added the trimming, bought from a local sewing shop. It is funny looking at the results above as I find myself thinking she looks more like her dad than I realised and less like me as a baby!
Having dipped my toe into this project, it is something I'd like to try more. My plan is to raid my parents’ photo drawer when I next go home to see if I can find more photographic contenders. It's certainly a fun challenge and a great little mother/daughter bonding exercise.
Here's the second set-up using another picture I found of me at six months, recreated with my daughter. We happened to have just bought her an extremely cute towelling robe from Jojo Maman Bebe (complete with bunny ears)!